Mobile technology: A powerful tool in the time of COVID-19

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With the world currently in the grip of a global health crisis, it is quite easy to see the value in many technologies humanity has developed in the past three decades. One technology that stands out today is the mobile tech.

Mobile technology has been available for over 30 years now. And the use of smartphones has evolved so much so that they have become an integral part of life. Today, mobile technology, in partnership with the internet, has proved its worth thousand times over.

Mobile tech’s apps and programs made for healthcare, information, and connectivity have helped humanity cope with the COVID-19 pandemic in so many ways.

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Today, people are more well-informed because of mobile tech. They know all the important procedures and protocols and are always up to date. On the other end of that stick are the governments, which have taken full advantage of mobile tech to organize operations to help keep people safe.

Businesses have utilized mobile technology to the fullest as well, as countless companies have instructed and allowed their employees to work from home, a feat that can only be achieved through the existence of laptops, smartphones, and other important semblances of mobile tech.

Healthcare facilities have also used mobile tech to conduct online consultations for patients who are at risk of being infected and those who are already showing symptoms.

Imagine the world today without mobile tech. Things would be a lot worse.

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